
Canada Nickel Corp - 11th Largest Nickel Sulphide Resource Globally!

Canada Nickel Corp - 11th Largest Nickel Sulphide Resource Globally! Interview with Mark Selby, CEO of Nickel Explorer, Canada Nickel Corp (TSX-V: CNC)

Selby tell us he already has the 11th largest Nickel Sulphide deposit from less than 20% of the structure that they are exploring. 260Mt with a higher-grade core running through the middle. And he claims they have an accelerated timeframe planned to get in to production. A PEA will be out in the next 3-4 months and then a Feasibility Study by the end of 2021. Canada Nickel Corp have hopes to time this Nickel cycle right and therefore be able to fund the project in to production off the back of the Feasibility Study.

Key take-outs are
1. This is a large project - elephant hunting territory - which is attractive to large Nickel Majors
2. The Nickel Resource has been added for only $1 per ton. Many projects cost spend $1,000 per ton to add to their Resource.
3. The PEA will be out in 3-4 months. Investor can understand the economics at this point.
4. The grade is relatively good and the company hopes to be able to mine a higher-grade core first to deliver a higher return in the earlier years.
5. It's a Nickel Sulphide project which is preferred because the of significantly lower capex compared to Hpal projects required for Nickel laterite.

So a few things to look for.

What did you make of what Selby had to say? Do you think they can deliver in an accelerated timeframe. And what do you think that could mean for investors if they do.

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Canada Nickel,Mark Selby CEO,nickel,crux investor,cruxinvestor,invest in stocks,invest in stocks for beginners,invest money,crux investor nickel,invest in mining,Canada Nickel Corp,TSXv,Mark Selby,crux investor youtube,TSX-V: CNC,canada nickel company,Nickel Sulphide,

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