
How to completely stop getting Covid 19 - and help protect others and the world

How to completely stop getting Covid 19 - and help protect others and the world 1. Wash hands frequently and thoroughly - that includes around the nails and between the fingers and the wrist.

You just need to use normal soap (or an alcohol wipe) because this is a virus, not a microbe. No need for anything antimicrobial. Soap completely destroys these viruses.

2. Try to get out of the habit of touching your face, especially eyes nose, or mouth.

 3. Don't touch your face with unwashed hands after touching surfaces that could be infected.

If you can get completeley out of the habit of touching your face then you don’t need to wash your hands so often. It can’t infect through the skin. Make sure you wash your hands before touching your eyes, nose or mouth - that’s the main thing.

4. Keep a distance of 1 -2 meters from anyone sick especially if coughing or sneezing
5. Disinfect surfaces you work with - and wash hands before during and after preparing food.

Wash hands after going to the toilet .after you return from work, or school or shopping etc. and before eating.

Do that and you won't get it. You are also helping to stop it spreading.

Also if you cough or sneeze to cough into an elbow or into a tissue and dispose of it into a closed bin.

If everyone did this the disease would stop quickly. Here is Bruce Aylward after he returned from China on the 25th February.


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