
I suffer from being overweight

I suffer from being overweight I suffer from being overweight

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Hi everyone! My name's Rose. I'm 17. Just a couple of years ago I used to be an easily offended and kind person. And other people used me. Because of this, I had serious mental issues, and also issues with digestion. But I've recently overcome those. I'll tell you more about it.
It all began when I was a child. My parents used to fight over trifles at home. That happened because they'd never agreed on each other's obligations. It turned into tormenting. Dad was the breadwinner in our family which means that mom had to do more things around the house. Sometimes she asked him to help with things, like with taking trash out. He refused and that's when they would get on fight.
Now that I am grown up I understand that they won't get divorced because of that. But when I was little, I was very scared. I thought that mom and dad no longer loved each other and that there was nothing left but hatred and anger. I used to rile myself up. Their emotions had a negative effect on me. After an argument, mom would come up to me and scold for nothing. I tried to be perfect for her. But she always found the reason to get angry. That threw me off the stride. And dad never showed he loved me. He was very restrained with me.
When I turned 12, I got oversensitive about everything. I could no longer stand parents yelling at me. I was stressed. And I found an easy way to comfort myself. I spent all of my pocket money on nice food. I ate to relieve stress. And I felt better for some time. I got the sense of enjoyment from eating. Food made me forget my problems
As I thought, eating was the only way to get rid of the load that my parents put on me. But the situation became worse in a while. I was getting fat. Besides being unhappy, I felt a negative reaction from my classmates. They humiliated me for being fat.

#mystorytime, #storytime, #animatedstory

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