
More Security And Precautionary Measures To Stop Immigrant From Entering Into EU | The News Track

More Security And Precautionary Measures To Stop Immigrant From Entering Into EU | The News Track A big number of immigrants try to enter into Greece and Turkey via sea into Europe every year and among these people a lot of them lost their lives. The Authorities of Greek decided to increase security and hurdles for the people to enter in Greece from Turkey via boats. There is already a lot of load of illegal immigrant in the European countries, especially in the Germany, France, Italy and Belgium. More strict policies are adopted by the EU countries to deport illegal people from their countries and no more visa would be given to the refugees. More details about the security steps are highlighted in the report.

Video Details:

Credit: "VOA" (Voice of America)
Duration: 2:48 mins

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the news track,breaking news,news,immigrant news,refugees news,refugees in europe,refugees in turkey,immigrant in Greece,Europe border,Barriers in Greece to enter in Europe,Lives of immigrant in Europe,entering in Europe illegally,entering in Europe via boats,refugee status,syrian refugees,syria,syrian immigrant,United Nation,Europe news,European Union,France,Germany,Greece,

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